Parents’ evenings – Yr. 9 GCSE Options and Yr. 8 Progress

Year 9 Parents:

In light of having to close today for Health and Safety reasons, we will also be postponing the GCSE options evening for pupils and parents this evening (08.03.23). We have rescheduled the evening for Monday the 13.03.23 to start at 17:00 at the school. We will adapt the timetable and share it with parents and pupils in the coming days. For your information, the options booklet is already shared in the ‘Year 9 Team’ and is also available on our website on this link:

Apologies for the inconvenience once again, and we looking forward to welcoming you to the school for the important opportunity to discuss your child’s GCSE options next Monday evening.

Year 8 Parents:

With the change to the year 9 options evening above, we will have to postpone the ‘Progress Evening’ for year 8 parents to a new date on Tuesday the 25th of April between 16:00 – 18:30. Any appointments already made will stand for the new date, but parents are welcome to change them if necessary? Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for all your cooperation.